Hello Students! It is advising time again! October and/or March is advising month!


To get advised by Dr. Carrier, you will need the following:


1.   If your account has an "advising hold", it may mean that you have taken or tried to take classes that are not a part of your program(s). This may not be true but needs to be checked by me. If your account has an "advising hold" you will not be able to register until it is removed, even if your "Online Registration Time" has occurred. You can find your "Online Registration Time" in Web Advisor under "My Online Registration Time". If your account has a different type of hold other than an "advising hold", you will need to get assistance from the Business Office.

2.   Please provide a phone number and a time to call you. If you are not available when I call, you will need to re-schedule.
When communicating with me for advising please include your ID number. If you do not, it will only slow down the process.

3.   Below is a list of information you must have or bring to your telephone appointment:

a.   Your student ID - (Your student ID can be found in Web Advisor under MyProfile)

b.   A printout or screenshot(s) of your Program Evaluation from Web Advisor so I can see what you have taken and what you still need

c.    A list of courses you plan on taking

d.   A list of electives you plan on taking if there are any left for your program of study.

e.   If you plan on changing your program of study, then our appointment will only consist of me providing you a "Change of Program Form" or providing a link to the online "Change of Program Form".

4.   While bringing the Myers-Briggs test results are not required, please understand that I will not be able to help you very much concerning your future if I do not know you. Therefore, if I do not know you or it has been a while since you were in a face-to-face class with me, please bring the 4 letters of your Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory with you i.e. I am an ESFP, to the phone call. Here is a link to take the test:  http://www.personalitypathways.com/type_inventory.html (you will need to scroll down to see the test). If your Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory does not match you, then I may not be able to assist you with your future plans and may be limited to only assigning the classes the GTCC computer systems lists for you.


Summary: (For example)

1.   My student ID – XXXXXXX

2.   A list of courses I plan on taking:

3.   All courses listed above are a part of my program of study.

4.   My Phone number is 336-841-XXXX Between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm is a good time to call me. I will be beside my phone when you call.

5.   My Myers-Briggs letters are XXXX (optional).


Thank you for making this a more streamlined process!

Dr. Jim


Office Location:

Jim Carrier, Ph.D.

Professor - Computer Science

Guilford Technical Community College

Applied Technology, AT-123-6

601 E. Main Street, Jamestown, NC 27282

E-mail: jacarrier@gtcc.edu

Direct: 336.334.4822 ext. 50078

Mailing Address: PO Box 309, Jamestown, NC 27282




NC University System’s Transfer Page

Pathways page